- A Traitor Amongst Them Paroles
- Abigail's Lullaby Paroles
- Andromeda Paroles
- Awaken Paroles
- Awaken Mustakrakish Paroles
- Before You Go Paroles
- Better Metal Snake Paroles
- Biologicial Warfare Paroles
- Birthday Dethday Paroles
- Birthday Dethday (Dethalbum Version) Paroles
- Black Fire Upon Us Paroles
- Blazing Star Paroles
- Blood Ocean Paroles
- Bloodlines Paroles
- Bloodrocuted Paroles
- Branding of the Gear Paroles
- Briefcase Full Of Guts Paroles
- Burn The Earth Paroles
- Castratikron Paroles
- Castratikron (Album Version) Paroles
- Cokblocked Paroles
- Comet Song Paroles
- Crush My Battle Opponent's Balls Paroles
- Crush My Battleopponent's Balls Paroles
- Crush the Industry Paroles
- Death Race Paroles
- Destiny Paroles
- Deth Support Paroles
- Detharmonic Paroles
- Dethfam Paroles
- Dethharmonic Paroles
- Dethklok Deththeme Paroles
- Dethlok Gets in Tune Paroles
- Dethsupport Paroles
- Deththeme Paroles
- Doomstar Orchestra Paroles
- Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle Paroles
- Duncan Hills Jingle Paroles
- En Antris Et Stella Fatum Cruenti Paroles
- Face Fisted Paroles
- Face Fisted. Paroles
- Fan Song Paroles
- Fansong Paroles
- Ghostqueen Paroles
- Givin' Back To You Paroles
- Go Forth & Die Paroles
- Go Forth And Die Paroles
- Go Into The Water Paroles
- Goodbye, Snowy Road Paroles
- Happy Metal World Rainbow Paroles
- Hatredcopter Paroles
- Hatredy Paroles
- Hatredy(Album Version) Paroles
- History Of Snakes'N'Barrels Paroles
- How Can I Be A Hero Paroles
- I Am The Governor Paroles
- I Believe Paroles
- I Ejaculate Fire Paroles
- I Tamper With The Evidence At The Murder Site Of Odin Paroles
- I'm Just A Rock 'n Roll Clown Paroles
- Impeach God Paroles
- Inner Child Tied And Beaten In My Trunk Paroles
- Intro Paroles
- Kill You Paroles
- Killstardo Abominate Paroles
- Laser Canon Deth Sentence Paroles
- Life Sentence Paroles
- Magnus And The Assassin Paroles
- Metalocalypse Theme Song Paroles
- Morte Lumina Paroles
- Murder Train A Comin' Paroles
- Murder Train A-Comin Paroles
- Murdertrain A Comin' (album Version) Paroles
- Murmaider Paroles
- Murmaider II: The Water God Paroles
- Murmaider II: The Water Gog Paroles
- Partying Around The World Paroles
- Plannet Piss Paroles
- Pull the Plug Paroles
- Rejoin Paroles
- Sewn Back Together Wrong Paroles
- Skyhunter Paroles
- Snakes N Barrels Paroles
- Some Time Ago... Paroles
- Starved Paroles
- Symmetry Paroles
- Takin' It Easy Paroles
- The Answer Is In Your Past Paroles
- The Birthfata Sidus Oriturone Of Us Must Die Paroles
- The Crossroads Paroles
- The Cyborg Slayers Paroles
- The Depths Of Humanity Paroles
- The Duel Paroles
- The Fans Are Chatting Paroles
- The Galaxy Paroles
- The Gears Paroles
- The Hammer Paroles
- The Lost Vikings Paroles
- Thunderhorse Paroles
- Titty Fish (Acoustic) Paroles
- Trackingishnifus And The Challenge Paroles
- Trainingdo It All For My Brother Paroles
- Underwater Freinds Paroles
- Volcano Paroles
- Yopo Paroles