- Genre: Metal
- Coroner
- Celtic Frost
- Anacrusis
- Rush
- Watchtower
- Megadeth
Artistes Apparentés
- Morpheus
- Earthache
- Moonbeam Rider
- Defiance
- Macrosolutions To Megaproblems (2023 Version)
- Planet Eaters
- Morpheus
- Earthache
- Moonbeam Rider
- Paranormalium
- Defiance
- Pyramidome
- Krap Radio
- Sonic Mycelium
- 21st century schizoid man
- Holographic Thinking
- Insect
- Killing Technology (2023 Version)
- Target Earth
- Erosion
- The Lost Machine
- Fix My Heart
- Corps Étranger
- M-body
Morgöth Tales
(2023) -
Synchro Anarchy
(2022) -
The Wake