- Membres:
Chris Kavanagh,Martin Degville, Neal Whitmore, Ray Mayhew, Tony James
- Genre: Electronic , 80s
Tom Tom Club
Adam Ant
Pop Will Eat Itself
Artistes Apparentés
Rio Rocks!
Is This The Future
Sex-Bomb Boogie
- Rio Rocks!
- Orgasm
- Is This The Future
- Sex-Bomb Boogie
- Love Missile F1-11 (album Version)
- Love Missile
- Super Crook Blues
- Rockit Miss USA
- Love Missile F1-11
- Frankenstein Cha Cha Cha
- Dancerama
- Atari Baby
- Albinoni Vs. Star Wars
- Boom Boom Satellite
- Teenage Thunder
- Success
- Massive Retaliation
- Mad
- Hey Jane Mansfield Superstar
- She's My Man