- Membres:
Allen Lowrey,Bill Killebrew,C. Scott Chase, Deanna Varagona,John Delworth, Jonathan Marx, Kurt Wagner,Marc Trovillion,Paul Niehaus,Steve Goodhue
- Genre: Indie
Neko Case
Belle & Sebastian
Edith Frost
Bonnie "Prince" Billy
Artistes Apparentés
Soaky In The Pooper
Oh, What A Disappointment
- Flick
- Soaky In The Pooper
- Oh, What A Disappointment
- Hickey
- Crosswords, Or What This Says About You
- The Hustle
- A Day Without Glasses
- I Will Drive Slowly
- This Is What I Wanted To Tell You
- Four Pounds In Two Days
- I Can Hardly Spell My Name
- Give Me Your Love
- Crawl Away
- Pack-up Song
- What Was He Wearing
- Under The Same Moon
- Short
- Under A Dream Of A Lie
- Bon Soir, Bon Soir
- Gar