Fred Neil
The Duhks
Townes Van Zandt
Willie Nelson
John Prine
Waylon Jennings
Artistes Apparentés
The Waltzing Fool
The Death Of Sis Draper
Story: Sometimes They Come Easy
- The Waltzing Fool
- The Death Of Sis Draper
- Heroes
- Story: Sometimes They Come Easy
- The High Price Of Inspiration
- Good Advice
- Rain In Durango
- El Coyote
- My Favorite Picture Of You
- Too Much
- Stuff That Works
- Like A Coat From The Cold
- Hell Bent On A Heartache
- Intro: The Randall Knife
- If I Needed You
- Boats To Build
- Watermelon Dream
- Dublin Blues
- Fort Worth Blues
- L.a. Freeway
My Favorite Picture Of You
(2013) -
Songs & Stories
(2011) -
Workbench Songs