Tori Amos
Liz Phair
Shane Macgowan
Courtney Love
John Wesley Harding
Michelle Shocked
Artistes Apparentés
Stumpy The Mouse
Porno Brainwash
Stolen Sidewalk
- Stumpy The Mouse
- Porno Brainwash
- Stolen Sidewalk
- Insomnia
- Goodbye
- Gig Tits
- After A While
- Funeral Of A Good Grrl
- Yeah, You
- Isabelle
- The Gross, Gross Man
- The Gross Gross Man
- Ciao, Bella
- The Question Song
- Let Down
- October Songs
- Choking On The Truth
- Everything
- Only The Girl
- Snowboarding
(2005) -
(2002) -
Another 5 Songs And A Poem