- Membres:
Baba Oje, DJ Kemit, Montsho Eshe,
Nadirah Shakoor, Rasa Don, Speech, Todd Thomas, Za´
- Genre: Hip hop , 90s
Def Jef
Dream Warriors
Beastie Boys
Erykah Badu
Queen Latifah
Artistes Apparentés
Mr. Wendel
Baba O Je´ Is The Oldest One (part Ii)
La La La
- Mr. Wendel
- Baba O Je´ Is The Oldest One (part Ii)
- La La La
- Bloody
- Washed Away
- Honeymoon Day
- Shell
- WMFW (We Must Fight The Win)
- 3 Years, 5 Months And 2 Days In The Life Of...
- A Lotta Things To Do (remix)
- Tings Distracting
- Night Time Demons
- Wag Your Tail
- Freedom
- Greener
- The Trends
- Baba Intro
- I´m Ignoring You
- Miracles
- In The Sunshine
(2010) -
Since The Last Time
(2006) -
Among The Trees